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czwartek, 15 października 2015

Script for asking for computer name during OS deployment task sequence

You need to create a package with script like the below

Dim sNewComputerName, oTaskSequence, sTSMachineName, bPromptName
Set oTaskSequence = CreateObject ("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")
' Get the name the computer is set to receive and truncate to first 6 letters
sTSMachineName = lcase(oTaskSequence("_SMSTSMachineName"))
If left(sTSMachineName,6) = "minint" Then
 bPromptName = True
ElseIf sTSMachineName = "minwinpc" Then
 bPromptName = True
 bPromptName = False
End If
' Note: The wscript.echo commands are logged in SMSTS.log for troubleshooting.  They are not displayed to the end user.
If bPromptName = True Then
 wscript.echo "Detected that the computer name is scheduled to receive a random value.  Prompting user to input a standard name."
 sNewComputerName = InputBox ("Please enter a standard computer name to continue.", "Computer Name", , 30,30)
 oTaskSequence("OSDComputerName") = UCase(sNewComputerName)
 wscript.echo "Set Task Sequence variable OSDComputerName to: " & sNewComputerName
 wscript.echo "Computer set to receive a standard name, continuing as is."
End If

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