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wtorek, 27 października 2015

Find out hard disk parametrs from disk model number

A. A typical desktop hard disk rotate at 7,200 revolutions per minute (RPM). A typical server hard disk spin at 10,000 or 15,000 rpm to achieve sequential media transfer speeds. You can use hard disk model number to obtain disk RPM. For example, a typical Seagat disk Model # ST373455SS can provide following information:
  • ST - Brand identity
  • 3 - Form Factor (3 = 3.5")
  • 73 - Disk size / Capacity in GB i.e. 73GB
  • 4 - Reserved for future use
  • 5 - RPM ( 5 = 15k and 0 = 10K)
  • - Generation
  • SS - Indicates interface i.e Serial Attached SCSI

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