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piątek, 17 lipca 2015

Lync - get a message body (decrypt) from SIP messages

When You use Lync Logging tool or Lync centralized logging by default message body\content is removed from SIP messages. To enable message body logging, do the following on each server in a Front End pool:
1.    Click Start, click Run, and then type Regedit.
2.    Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RtcSrv\Parameters.
3.    Right-click the right pane of Registry Editor, and click New, and then, in DWORD (32-bit), type EnableLoggingAllMessageBodies (no spaces).
4.    Set EnableLoggingAllMessageBodies to the value 1.
5.    Close RegEdit, and restart the pool server(s) or restart the RTCSrv service (Lync Server Front-End service) by doing one of the following:
·         At an administrator cmd.exe prompt, run the following command:
net stop rtcsrv && net start rtcsrv
·         In the Lync Server Management Shell, run the following command:
Stop-CsWindowsService –Name RtcSrv –Verbose
Start-CsWindowsService –Name RtcSrv -Verbose

Or You can encrypt TLS messages, described here:

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