$u = [adsi]"WinNT://domainname/username,user"
$u | gm
I write some useful information and lessons learnt about SCCM, MDT, SCOM, Exchange, Lync, Windows 7/8, Windows servers, Hyper-V, Vmware
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środa, 9 grudnia 2015
piątek, 4 grudnia 2015
App-V materials
czwartek, 3 grudnia 2015
App-V 5 SP3 error 0xc0000142 on client
I get this error when trying to run any new sequenced app-v 5 package. It looks like there is a problem with the sequencer it self - this is the Vmware VM with Win 7 x64 OS, domain joined. As it was not used since some time domain trust relationship was not valid any more so I thought that this could lead this problems. Even when I rejoined it to domain and fully update with Windows Updates the problem still persist (even reinstallation of Sequencer did not resolve this problem).
I used new VM on Hyper-V and it works ok because new VM on Vmware vCenter works only once, after snapshot revert there is the same problem
I used new VM on Hyper-V and it works ok because new VM on Vmware vCenter works only once, after snapshot revert there is the same problem
App-V 5 publishing globally with DeploymentConfig.xml
To publish App-V package globally You can use powershell on client
Add-AppvClientPackage [Path_to_AppV_Package] -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration [Path_to_DeploymentConfig_xml_File] | Publish-AppvClientPackage –Global | Mount-AppvClientPackageor You can use App-V Management server - grant access to package for computers group from AD, then right click on added app-v package in management console and choose Edit default configuration. Then from Advanced section use Import and Overwrite this Configuration button to load DeploymentConfig.xml for this app-v package
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