Change internal and external URL for all virtual directories to the name of loadbalancer of CNAME DNS record (round robin), e.g.
Then in powershell
Get-ClientAccessServer -id *2013* | fl *uri
Get-ClientAccessServer -id *2013* | set-ClientAccessServer -autodiscoverServiceInternalUri
This configures SCP (service connection point in AD)
For external autodiscover You should create DNS record that point to loadbalancer CNAME DNS record (round robin)
I write some useful information and lessons learnt about SCCM, MDT, SCOM, Exchange, Lync, Windows 7/8, Windows servers, Hyper-V, Vmware
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piątek, 24 października 2014
czwartek, 23 października 2014
PowerShell display SCOM warnings generated by specific rule
These below are for only one specific computer *011sql* :
Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFullName -eq "" -AND $_.Description -like "*011sql*")} | select -ExpandProperty Description
And below I want to remove some text from the Description filed to get only computer name for the description field:
(((Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFull
Name -eq "" -AND $_.Description -like "*011sql*")}
| select -ExpandProperty Description | Out-String).trim("Computer verification failure for Machine Name:")).Trim()).Trim(" is 0x800706BA. The RPC server is unavailable.")
This below is for all computers:
(Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFullNa
me -eq "" )} | select -ExpandProperty Description | Out-String) | foreach {$_ -replace "Computer verification failure for Machine Name: " -replace " is 0x800706BA.*"} >> scomWarComps.txt
Resolve all this specific warnings using below script:
$comps = gc scomWarComps.txt
foreach ($e in $comps) {
Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFullName -eq "" -AND $_.Description -like "*$e*")} | set-SCOMAlert -ResolutionState 255
Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFullName -eq "" -AND $_.Description -like "*011sql*")} | select -ExpandProperty Description
And below I want to remove some text from the Description filed to get only computer name for the description field:
(((Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFull
Name -eq "" -AND $_.Description -like "*011sql*")}
| select -ExpandProperty Description | Out-String).trim("Computer verification failure for Machine Name:")).Trim()).Trim(" is 0x800706BA. The RPC server is unavailable.")
This below is for all computers:
(Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFullNa
me -eq "" )} | select -ExpandProperty Description | Out-String) | foreach {$_ -replace "Computer verification failure for Machine Name: " -replace " is 0x800706BA.*"} >> scomWarComps.txt
Resolve all this specific warnings using below script:
$comps = gc scomWarComps.txt
foreach ($e in $comps) {
Get-SCOMAlert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0" AND Severity = "1"'| where-object{($_.MonitoringObjectFullName -eq "" -AND $_.Description -like "*$e*")} | set-SCOMAlert -ResolutionState 255
poniedziałek, 20 października 2014
Get all computers with IIS role installed using SCOM
Get-SCOMGroup -DisplayName "IIS 2003 c*" | Get-SCOMClassInstance | sort displayname | select -ExpandProperty displayname
Or using ServerManager module
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=Windows Servers V2,OU=Servere,DC=ocean,DC=com" -filter * | format-table Name >> server_list.txt
$comp = gc "server_list.txt"
foreach ($entry in $comp) {
write-host $entry
Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName $entry -Name "Web-Server" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Or using ServerManager module
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=Windows Servers V2,OU=Servere,DC=ocean,DC=com" -filter * | format-table Name >> server_list.txt
$comp = gc "server_list.txt"
foreach ($entry in $comp) {
write-host $entry
Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName $entry -Name "Web-Server" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
This one below gets events from event log (from each computer
from iis2003.txt file generated in the previous script)
$comp = gc "iis2003.txt"
$path = "c:\temp\logs"
$Oct16 = get-date 10/16/2014
$Oct15 = get-date 10/15/2014
foreach ($entry in $comp) {
$fullname = $path + "\" + $entry + ".txt"
Get-EventLog -LogName system -ComputerName $entry -after $Oct15
-before $Oct16 | Where-Object {$_.eventID -eq '19'} | format-table -wrap
>> $fullname
Get-EventLog -LogName system -ComputerName $entry -after $Oct15
-before $Oct16 | Where-Object {$_.eventID -eq '7036' -AND $_.Message -like
"The World Wide Web Publishing Service service entered the stopped
state."} | format-table -wrap >> $fullname
piątek, 17 października 2014
Suppress SCOM alerts - Windows Updates reboot
wtorek, 14 października 2014
Get SCCM site maintenance tasks from powershell (SCCM 2012)
1. Run 32-bit Powershell
2. Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1
3. Set-Location NSP:
note: NSP stands for SCCM Site Code
4. Get-CMSiteMaintenanceTask
2. Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1
3. Set-Location NSP:
note: NSP stands for SCCM Site Code
4. Get-CMSiteMaintenanceTask
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