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wtorek, 21 stycznia 2014

Change partition letters using diskaprt script

cmd.exe /c diskpart /s "%scriptroot%\changepart.txt"

changepart.txt could looks like below:
select disk 1
online disk noerr
attributes disk clear readonly noerr
select volume 0
assign letter=Z noerr
select volume 2
assign letter=D noerr

Rename administrator account using powershell script

powershell.exe -Command "set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force; cpi '%DEPLOYROOT%\Applications\RenameAccounts\RenameAccounts.ps1' -destination c:\; c:\RenameAccounts.ps1; ri c:\*.ps1 -Force"

Reboot remote computers

Tested psshutdown.exe and there is a problem on 64bit machines - the message for users is not displayed. This is known case ( Good to know before trying to do it on production:)

We can workaround this using
PsExec.exe -d -i 1 -u admin -p P@ssw0rd \\ "c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe" -r -f -t 3600 -c "Your computer will reboot within one hour. You can reboot it by Yourself now if You are ready"

PsExec.exe -d means non-interactive
PsExec.exe -i is the number of session in which message will be displayed (users usually are loged in to session 1 also if they are connected via RDP)

I tested it on Windows 7 both 32 and 64 bits machines.

wtorek, 14 stycznia 2014

Ping list of computers and get shor information

$comp = gc "ips.txt"
$ping = new-object
$pingreturns = @()

foreach ($entry in $comp) {
  $pingreturns += $ping.send($entry)

$pingreturns | ? {$_.status –eq “success”} | select address

Get list of computers which have c$ share

Get-Content "list_ip.txt" | `
   Select-Object @{Name='ComputerName';Expression={$_}},@{Name='Can access c$';Expression={ Test-Path "\\$_\c$"}}

piątek, 10 stycznia 2014

Script for getting information regulary from website, grep for text and send email if something

First need to download wget, grep and mailsend ( for windows

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin"
wget -O c:\windows\temp\%date%.html --no-check-certificate
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin"
grep "Bartlomiej" "c:\windows\temp\%date%.html" >> "c:\windows\temp\%date%.txt"

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin"
set /p var=
mailsend.exe -smtp -port 465 -t -f -sub CheckBet -v -ssl -auth -user -pass PASSWORD -attach c:\windows\temp\%date%.txt